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Safety Turtle Pool Alarm 2.0


  • 21900

Safety Turtle Pool Alarm 2.0 by RJE Technologies, manufacturer of AquaGuard Pool Alarm, SonarGuard and sophisticated marine systems, is a must for pool safety !
pwards of 75 to 100 children drown annually in Canada, at backyard swimming pools, portable pools, hot tubs and spas. Drowning is a daily killer with a wide demographic that affects males and children in particular. Hundreds more children, revived from drowning, suffer permanent brain damage. Sadly, drowning accidents are often predictable and preventable. Focused, competent supervision is foremost for  prevention of  drowning accidents. Safety Turtle Pool Alarm is an added layer of protection, warning of water immersion by focusing on the individual, making it unique to all other pool security systems.
Dogs, too, are often causalities. Unable to climb out of swimming they  succumb to exhaustion and sink - victims are
estimated to be copious.

How does it work ? The B102 Safety Turtle Pool Alarm alerts others that water immersion has occurred and consists of a base station placed in a central, accessible position inside your home receives  a signal from the turtle sensor from  a distance of up to 200 feet . The turtle wristband is the transmitter worn around a child's wrist , or dog's collar, that will activate by water immersion. Once triggered  the Safety Turtle base station  broadcasts a piercing alarm. 

300 children under age 5 drown in swimming pools yearly in the USA (reference: CPSC) (that's one pre-school class each month!)

Safety Turtle Pool Alarm base station 2.0 is a compact, new design  measuring  just 3 in. x 3 in. x 1.25 in. so is very portable. and easily placed just about anywhere there is a regular household electrical outlet. The new 2.0 base station alarm will not work with older turtle wristband sensors, so be certain to purchase only new model turtle wristband sensor. New Turtle wristbands have a 3 year (approx.) active battery life. Shelf life is approx. 6 years, meaning the battery is mostly dormant when not in use and in storage. However, once worn and in contact with water, the battery is considered to have up to 5 years of active life depending on activations. It is not recommended to purchase used system because the activations are unknown and the Turtle Wristband battery may be at,or, nearing depletion. Potentially, a used product may not be in perfect working condition for numerous reasons, so never buy used, or questionable stock.
Quality: RJE back their product 100% and have in-house service technicians at hand by phone for any questions you may have. TESCO Ent. Ltd buys factory direct and ship only that product. Safety Turtle Pool Alarm is well made, durable and reliable- it is made to perform. In 12 years of selling the product we've had virtually zero returns, or dissatisfied customers.


On average, 17 toddlers under the age of 5 die each year in hot tubs ( reference USA Today)